Turpins Lodge Riding School, Tadmarton Heath Road, Hook Norton, Oxfordshire OX15 5DQ
Telephone +44 (0)1608 737033 this phone is not fully manned. If you wish to leave a message we will get back to you or there is an emergency number available.
Caroline Catling, Turpins Lodge Riding Centre, Tadmarton Heath Road, Hook Norton, Oxfordshire OX15 5DQ tlrsriding@gmail.com 01608 737033 1. Please treat all animals and members of staff with respect. 2. All bookings, cancellations and changes for riding lessons or hacks to be made on line. Payment will be taken at the time of booking. 3. If you need to cancel your booking a credit will be made to your account as long as you give a minimum of 24 hours notice of changes or cancellations. 4. No cash refunds will be given. 5. All riders to arrive on time and be suitably dressed for their ride. Correct riding hat to current British standard PAS 015 and boots or shoes with a smooth sole and a small heel to be worn at all times when mounted. 6.. Parents to be responsible for their children at all times. DURING CORONA VIRUS - ALL GOVERNMENT GUIDELINES TO BE FOLLOWED. PLEASE SEE SEPARATE PAGE.
Turpins Lodge Riding Centre, Tadmarton Heath Road, Hook Norton, Oxfordshire t - +44 (0)1608 737033 e - tlrsriding@gmail.com