Please email us for any help or advice
Lessons and hacks are available to book on line now
If you want to come riding at Turpins Lodge
Sign up to the booking system and we will give you a grade. Anything suitable for your grade can be booked on line. We also send out a regular newsletter with details of what's going on at Turpins Lodge to customers on the booking system.
You do not need any special equipment comfortable trousers, shoes or boots with a small heel and a smooth sole, hats are available to hire when you book.
All rides are available to book online
Closed each Monday
Morning - The following will be held once a month.
We use three ponies and each child gets a ride on each pony. Indoor if the weather is bad.
Including a coffee for parents 10.30 - 11.30
TUESDAY afternoons
90% off road with no cantering. If you have cantered and you want to have a canter we may do a short canter on our own land at the end of the ride
Lessons with Justyna 2 - 6 pm
Lessons 12.30- 6.00 with Justyna
If you would like a shared private lesson, book a private slot, let us know when it is and we will add an extra space to book the second rider in.
Phoenix and Maverick in the field.
Lessons with Justyna
9.00 - 9.30 Private half hour lesson
9.30 - 10.15 - 45 minute adult beginner to intermediate ability group lesson
10.15-10.45 Private half hour Lesson
10.45-11.30 45 Minute Intermediate group lesson
11.30-12.00 - Beginner plus half hour lesson
12.00-12.45 Private lesson
13.00 - 1.45 45 Minute private lesson
13.45 - 14.15 half hour beginner group
14.15 - 15.00 *Experienced ability group lesson
15.00 - 15.45 - Intermediate Plus ability group lesson
15.45 - 16.15 - 1/2 hour private lesson
*the experienced hour lesson only has four slots.
We have special events including Show Jumping, Cross Country, Mystery hacks, Pub Rides, Intermediate Hacks, 50/50 Novice Hacks, Gymkhana, Tiny Tots, birthday parties.
Details of these are in our weekly newsletters and on this page. All available to book online
Everything is available to book online now.
16/3 Mystery Hack 10 - 1
23/3 Intermediate 1.5 hr hack 10.30 - 12
1 hour experienced ability hack 2 - 3
30/3 Tiny Tots 10 - 11
2 hour experienced ability hack 12 - 2
APRIL 2025
6/4 2 hour hack 10.30 - 12.30
50/50 Novice hack 2 - 3
13/4 Tiny Tots 10 - 11
Intermediate 1.5 hour hack 2 - 3.30
20/4 Easter Sunday - Closed.
27/4 Tiny Tots 10 - 11
Pub Ride 12 - 2.30
Birthday parties are available on a Sunday afternoon by arrangement from 2 - 4.
Maximum of 6 per party if each rider wants their own pony. If you are happy to share ponies we can have more people.
Experienced Riders
Thoroughbred Ride
Jumping/Flat work/ hack
Finish up with birthday cake and a drink
Intermediate Ability
Cob Ride
Horse Care, lesson / hack or gymkhana
Finish up with a birthday cake and a drink
Shetland Ride
Grooming Chips the Shetland Pony
Riding games in the school followed by a ride round the fields
finish up with a piece of cake and a drink
If you want to come riding at Turpins Lodge
Sign up to the booking system and we will give you a grade. Anything suitable for your grade can be booked on line. We also send out a regular newsletter with details of what's going on at Turpins Lodge to customers on the booking system.